All reasons you would download WikiMaster and be a WOKer
"Science shows Wikipedia is the best part of the Internet"
The headline in Washington Post, Oct 19, 2016.
We at WOK could not agree more! Except for the notion, we think we made Wikipedia even better by put multiple choice questions on top of each Wikipedia article in the app WikiMaster.
We made WikiMaster on two goals: To be the best way to learn anything and while you do it: Have most fun.
(These two things go together as exercise and eat well )
**Why you should download WikiMaster with no ads and be a WOKer: **
A. Wikipedia reasons
- Great Wikipedia app to find anything about anything. Compare any app in this sector.
- Search is remembered as last your last search (toggled with last entry and random ) making it great to search in anything on Wikipedia
- Its free and have no ads. It's just a great way to get the best thing on the Internet.
B. Study reasons
- Favorite your articles so you can easy to read later
- Quiz yourself in anything you need to learn in school based on any Wikipedia article.
- WOK turn Homework into a game with WikiMaster and WikiFlip apps
- A great way to learn is to write new questions on a subject you need to study.
- Put questions into quizzes that fit your needs. As teachers or as a student or in a group exchange knowledge.
C. Gaming reasons
- Its great to have a great Quizapp in your hand. They come and go. WOK will never fade since it becomes better and better for every day since all articles are filled with great questions made by the WOK community.
- More and more
D. Social media reasons
- WOK is the Knowledge Network where smart is the new selfie and WikiMaster is the main app in WOK ecosystem
- Why should learning be boring and social media fun when learning can be social media?
- WOKbits score is a great opener
- Dopamine kicks in when you get notifications about win or loss in the challenges, chat with other WOKers, see the head to head results and when other take your created questions.
- And yes: You can, of course, have an alias if you prefer.
So: WikiMaster app is a full Wikipedia app with every article you have in the encyclopedia in a great way. Its good enough so. We could stop there.
But by putting the quizzes on top, we turned Wikipedia into something else. WikiMaster has put color into a place of black and white.
Anything that human mankind knows worthy of a Wikipedia article is to be learned by taking a quiz in interaction with other WOKers or by yourself.
If Wikipedia was a mobile phone, WikiMaster is a smartphone. You can still "call and text", but we added the social network, the game, the fun and the excitement of learning in the hand.
If Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, WikiMaster is a school. If Wikipedia is a Library, WikiMaster is the University.
If Wikipedia is articles, WikiMaster is the textbooks with control questions at the end of the chapters to check that knowledge got stuck.
WikiMaster is an app that turns Wikipedia into a quiz game.
All articles in Wikipedia can be played! It is a full Wikipedia app with fun added on top.
WikiMaster is part of the Knowledge Network WOK.
The WOK community members, the WOKers have made over 330000 multiple choice questions on the articles and questions related by tags to the articles in Wikipedia in 2016. With your score, you soon become a WikiMaster in an article. Among your friends. Or in the city, country, continent or the World.
WikiMaster is the perfect tool to check what you know. For fun. Take a quiz to anything you need to know by find a wiki article. It is just as perfect for education as it is for trivia fun. You quiz yourself or play with others around the World.
If you find a smarter app in AppStore to study and learn in 2019. Show us! WikiMaster is the gamification of Wikipedia. WOK is the Knowledge Network that makes Learning into a game and social media.
WikiMaster - quizzes to Wikipedia.
WikiMaster is part of WOK- World of Knowledge. The Knowledge Network. Become a WOKer today! It's free.